New Niner Rules For Play Day Signup and Tee Times
(Effective June 1, 2021)
After a 6-week start-up period using Golf Genius, the Executive Board of the Niners and the Scoring Committee reviewed our current process as well as the processes used by CWGA and the Charbonneau Men’s Club. Based on that review, we are revising our policies to be consistent with the other Clubs and with our existing Scramble and Tournament processes.
The block of Niner tee times is assigned by the Golf Club and we fill those times starting at 8:03 AM with the number of golfers who have responded. Golf Genius is programmed to make equitable pairings based on previous pairings and tee times. Initially, we tried to accommodate special tee time requests including “swapping” for tee times among members. Beginning with the June 1 play day, we will align our procedures more closely with those of other Charbonneau Clubs and will not accommodate requests for special tee times or swapping.
Currently, invitations for Niners Golf Play Day are sent out on Tuesdays at 12:00 Noon through email using the email address you have provided. Tuesday will continue to be the date on which you will receive the invitation. You must respond that you are either Playing or Not Playing NO LATER THAN Friday at 12:00 Noon. If, between Tuesday and Friday, you want to change your response, you can do so before Friday at noon by changing your response on the original invitation. If you have NOT received your invitation by Tuesday evening, contact Karla Colby, Scoring Committee Chair, at immediately.
The Niner Scoring Committee will prepare and send the final tee sheet to all registered players and to the Pro Shop by Saturday.
Again, responses to the invitations are due NO LATER THAN Friday at 12:00 Noon. If a reply has not been received by that time, the golfer forfeits an opportunity to golf for that Play Day.
If you must cancel after the tee sheet has been sent out, please call the Pro Shop at 503-694-1246.
We realize that implementing a new registration process is not without its challenges. We appreciate everyone’s cooperation, and positive acceptance of Golf Genius. Let’s make 2021 a great season for our Niners Golf Club!
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