A great start of 58 members signing up to play on Tuesday diminished to a brave 13.  They braved the cold and deserve a hearty congratulations.  I saw or heard about long johns, multiple layers, gloves and hand warmers being used.  I even saw one member in boots! What dedication!  I will admit I was not one of those brave 13!

Congratulations to all who cancelled with the Scoring Committee before Monday afternoon or called the Pro Shop after that. We did have several members who did not notify us, so please remember to respond to the original invite email or contact the sender of your Tee Sheet email.  Most of you did that and it worked great.

Per our bylaws there must be a minimum of 2 members per Tee Time so if we don’t know until the last minute that someone is not playing it is a problem and unfair to the member who is there.

Please don’t call the Pro Shop before Monday afternoon.  They do not have the Tee Sheet until then. 

Thanks to those 13 who tolerated our “scramble” to adjust Tee times.  It was a busy first Play Day for the Scoring Committee but you made it fun.

Please contact me if you have any questions about navigating the Golf Genius Sign Up Process.  I or a committee member are happy to help.

Karla Colby

