Presentation of nominees for 2023 Niners Board Members

President Mary Fieweger appointed Joyce Bowden, Cheryl Barnum, Karen Siegel, and Carol Zinsli as the nominating committee for officers for the 2023 Niner season.

The following nominees were contacted by the Nominating Committee and have agreed to serve, if elected.

President –   Cathy Loffink

Co-Vice-President –   Kim Warram and Sharon Garrick

Secretary – Sandy Esterson

Treasurer – Marsha Wadsworth

The nominees will be presented to the August 2022 General meeting.  Nominations from the floor can also be made at this time.

Voting will take place at the September general meeting.  Nominations from the floor can also be made at this time.

A quorum consisting of 30 percent majority of the Niners membership and two officers must be present at this meeting. A simple majority of club membership shall prevail.