Join others in support of our Student Employee Award (Scholarship) Fund and have a meal of Chili and Chowder on Wednesday, January 15th at 5:30 PM in the Clubhouse Dining Room. The cost is $21:00 and all proceeds go to the Award Fund.
Make checks payable to the Men’s Club and note on the check “chili/chowder and put in the Mens’ Club drawer in the ProShop.
Norton’s will be catering and the menu includes, Chili, Chowder, Cornbread, Salad and Dessert. Coffee, Tea and Water will be provide and a full cash bar will be available.
All Niners and residents are invited. This is hosted by The Charbonneau Men’s Club, Charbonneau Women’s Golf Association, and Charbonneau Ladies Niners golf groups.
Please come and mingle with your friends to support this event. All proceeds go to qualified student workers here at Charbonneau to support their educational efforts.
We are looking for a few Niner volunteers. If interested in helping with the dinner contact Virginia Horler, the Niners’ Employee Student Awards Fund Representative at