Guest Day Scramble “Putts Pearls & Polka Dots”
Signup for the Guest Day Scramble - Putts Pearls and Polka Dots - July 9th. Cost is $24 for golf and $18 for lunch. Bring a friend, sister, daughter or someone to enjoy the day with you. The sign up book is in the Proshop or sign up on line at You may designate another Niner to play with or you can also be randomly paired if you signup as an individual.
JuneNiners’ Villager Article
Here is the June Niners's Villager article: Click Here for Article
Reminder to Sign Up By June 5th for the “Halloween in June” Scramble, June 11th
Get ready for some spooky fun. The Niners are having a Halloween themed scramble on June 11! Everyone is encouraged to
“Halloween in June” Scramble, June 11th
Get ready for some spooky fun. The Niners are having a Halloween themed scramble on June 11! Everyone is encouraged to
Let’s Help The Wilsonville HS Girls Golf Team Go To Texas
The Wilsonville HS Girls Golf Team won their division state championship. Now they are invited to Nationals. It is truly and honor, yet will be an expensive journey to go to Texas to compete. As Niners, we have long been supportive of girls golf and it now is a great time to continue our support. Donations are being accepted Please see the full email for details.
Memorial Day Event Now Includes a 9-Hole Scramble
Niners, The Charbonneau Men's Club has now included a Nine Hole Scramble to their annual event. All you need is to
May Niners’ Villager Article
Here is the May Niners's Villager article: Click Here for Article
Reminder: “Who are We as Niners”- Discussion May 9th
Special meetiing on Thursday, May 9 at 1 PM to discuss who we are as Niners. All members are encouraged to attend.
Time is running out. Sign Up for May 7 Scramble
Sign up now in the Proshop or at for the May 7 Scramble $24 for golf for those without a season pass and $17 for the buffet lunch. Shotgun start at 9:00. Deadline May 2
Bylaw Amendment Vote at the Scramble Luncheon
Please try and come to the General Meeting at the beginning of the Scramble luncheon on May 7th. It is important that we have a quorum to vote on the proposed bylaw amendments.
“Who Are We as Niners?” — Discussion May 9 at 1 PM
Special meetiing on Thursday, May 9 at 1 PM to discuss who we are as Niners. All members are encouraged to attend.
Sign Up by Wednesday for May 7 Scramble
Sign up now in the Proshop or at for the May 7 Scramble $24 for golf for those without a season pass and $17 for the buffet lunch. Shotgun start at 9:00. Deadline May 1