It is time for our last scramble of the year. Let’s celebrate with a Scramble Party. “Hello Bubbles – Goodbye Troubles”
- Shotgun start with checkin beginning at 8 AM and Golf at 9:00. Try to come around 8am to ensure a smooth start.
- Handicaps are Required.
- Register for golf when you receive the Scoring Committee’s email on Tuesday August 3rd. with a deadline to sign up at noon on Friday, August 6th.
- Price for golf is $17, make the check payable to Charbonneau Golf Club.
- Sign up for lunch in the Scramble notebook in the club room or on Tuesday playdays. Price for lunch (a very nice salad) is $17, make the check payable to Charbonneau Niners. The lunch sign up deadline is 5 PM, Tuesday, August 3rd.
- Put both checks in the Niners’ slot in the club room.
This is a non-refundable event. Questions?? Call or text Cathy at 503.422.6044
Watch for further emails regarding the game and other pertinent details.
Your Scramble Committee