Want To Join the Charbonneau Niners?
Charbonneau Ladies’ Nine-Hole Golf (‘the Niners’) welcomes all golfers in the Charbonneau and the surrounding areas to join us. We play 9 holes of golf every Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Our season begins the first week of April and continues through the last week of October.
Scrambles are planned for the first Tuesday morning of designated months during the season, followed by a nice luncheon and program, including announcing the winners and prizes.
The Niners have many other activities.
We hold an annual performance with our ‘Dance Team’ and members in fun musical skits!
We have Christmas Wrapping each December and the proceeds go to local charities.
We proudly support Wilsonville High School Girls Golf Team.
We offer Social Memberships for those looking to make friends and want to join us for events. Our Social Members serve on many committees to support our events.
The Niners welcome and support all women golfers, both new and experienced.
Annual dues for returning members are $125.00 and are discounted $10.00 ($115) if paid before December 31st of the calendar year.
Annual dues for New Members are $115.00.
The dues entitle you to all the privileges of membership to include The Niners Handbook, Membership with the Oregon Golf Association and participation in the World Handicap System (WHS), and numerous perks!
We Make It Easy For You!
Our members have fun playing golf! We have a Big Sister/Little Sister program for those wanting to learn more about course rules, how to sign up for play on Tuesdays, and computer posting of your score.
Don’t Have a Handicap?
Every member is required to establish a WHS Ghin index number. This allows you to compete with other golfers of all skill levels on an equal basis. To establish your handicap, you must play 6 rounds of 9 holes (54 total).
We want to welcome you to Charbonneau Ladies Niners!

Apply for Membership
Apply & Pay Online
Click the following link to apply and pay online.
Print & Send the Membership Form
If you prefer to use a hard copy application, just click here and a membership form will appear which you can print. Follow the instructions on the form. You may either mail it to our Treasurer or place it in the Niners’ mail slot in the ProShop.