Niners –
Mother Nature certainly is not cooperating with our golf schedule this year. I know most of you have not golfed at all. So our signup for the Eclectic game is way behind. If you have already signed up, your score card is in the Eclectic box. On the play days the box will be on a table near the registration table. After you have finished your round, record your score on your card and put it back in the eclectic box.
If you haven’t signed up, it’s never too late. Entry forms and blank score cards are always available in the Eclectic box. Before or after your round on a playday, fill out the entry form, put your name on an Eclectic card, record your score on the card and return it to the box. You can put your entry form and $5 in the Niner drawer in the pro shop. Checks made out to Sandy McCallister. Lets see if we can get more participants than last year’s 53. Remember all entry fees go into the Eclectic prize fund and are returned as prizes at the end of the year.
Good luck everyone! Sandy