Hello Niners,

Niner President Cathy Loffink invited participation in a “discussion group” to explore membership concerns and the phrasing of Niner Bylaws and Rules.

As a result, proposed bylaw changes were presented to the Board and approved to be presented to the Membership to vote on them.  Below are those modifications.  For full details and explanations please click here.  Please review.

Voting will take place at the General Meeting at the Scramble luncheon on May 7th.  We will need to have a quoram, so if you can, please attend.

Thank you,

Cathy Loffink, Niner President

Bylaw Recommended Changes

Article I – Name and Purpose                                                                                                                                             

Sec.1  .             This organization shall be the Charbonneau Ladies’ Nine-Hole Golfers (“CLNG”), also known as the Niners (the “Niners”). The Niners are recognized by the OGA as an independent golf club that will elect its own officers and establish its own events. [highlighted to be added]

Reason:  To add more clarity to the basis of our organization


Sec. 2.             The purpose of this organization shall be to promote the game of golf by welcoming and supporting women of all skill levels to thrive and encourage promote good sportsmanship and friendship among its members. [highlighted to be added]

Reason: To be show that the Niners are inclusive and welcoming.


Article II – Membership and Dues

Sec. 3.           Membership in the Niners precludes membership in the Charbonneau Women’s Golf Association (the “CWGA”), the women’s 18-hole golf club. CWGA members who wish to join the Niners must relinquish their 18-hole membership. A Niner must relinquish her CLNG membership when joining CWGA,

Reason: This bylaw does not reflect the values nor inclusiveness the Niners represent.  It implies negativity and appears exclusionary.