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2025 Niners Officer Bios Corrected ( Cloned )
Please see the attached document for the bios of the officer Nominees for the year 2025.
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Please see the attached document for the bios of the officer Nominees for the year 2025.
Hello Niners, A couple of items... If you are participating on a committee and you purchase an item, please be sure to submit your receipts regardless of how small the amount is. Niners are very generous and conscience of budgets, but donating the item in the long run can skew the budget and make it
2024-07-04 Men's Club Independence Day Couples Tourney/Dinner. Thurs. Golf 2pm, Dinner 6:30pm If you are interested in playing in the Men's Club July 4th Couples Event yet don't know anyone in the Men's club, there is a sign up sheet in the Proshop for single players who then can be paired with someone in the
Hello Niners, A few things I want you to know about or consider. Golf winner results for each Tuesday are posted on the website. Click the button "Play Results". Winners receive Proshop credits in lieu of cash payouts. Proshop credits are also awarded to Scramble winners. These credits can be used toward ProShop merchandise only.
Due to the lack of sign-ups this Saturday's clinic for swing plane, balance and connection will be postponed to Saturday the 22nd and be done on the same day as the last clinic. Thank you
Hi everyone-Jackson is turning 21 next week so we are giving him a SURPRISE BIRTHAY PARTY on Tuesday, June 11, in the Pavilion at 3:00. We will be serving cake and beverages. Hope you can make it and hope you will invite others and that everyone will keep this a surprise. Jackson is really 21 on Wednesday
Hello Niners, As many of you know a large project on the green course is underway. This project will enhance playability and make the course high quality with significant improvements. At some point the green course will be designated for 9-hole play only and the red and yellow course will be the 18-hole course. EXCEPT
Handbooks are now available at Due to the high cost of printing, orders will be taken at the Welcome Back to purchase a handbook. Please bring $2.00 to place your order.
A petition to stop the tolling is located in the Proshop. Just ask at the counter. Please help protect our golf course, golf club and country club by signing it.
We would appreciate your response and thank you to those that already have. Payouts are awareded as Pro Shop credits to each flight winner on playdays for gross and net. They would be funded with Niners budget monies. Please help us and reply to the question/email. Would you like payouts reinstated for 2023? Yes or No?